Christina Ricci Prozac Nation
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Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci was born in Santa Monica CA. on February 12th 1980. In the movie Prozac Nation she played Elizabeth, a Harvard student struggling with depression. In 1998 alone Christina Ricci starred in 8 movies including The Opposite of Sex with Lisa Kudrow. She appears with Lisa Kudrow again in All Over The Guy (2001). In 1999 she starred in 3 movies, including on her most successful, Sleepy Hollow. Christina Ricci starred with Gaby Hoffmann in Now and Then (1995). She starred with Gaby Hoffmann again in 200 Cigarettes (1999). Tara Reid had a small role in her film I Woke Up Early the Day I Died

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